
I think I'm a geek

I think I am a geek. I like to run linux on my laptop. and collect a lot of cammands,such as chmod,lspci
I installed Debian ubuntu hiweed on my computer. I like debian most. because you need to know more and have to do more by ourselves to configure it .and it will run well on your machine.
In the following days I will show my debian here.

2 条评论:

  1. To me, you are really a geek, however, not only in technology, but also in personal affairs. Hey, you got me, right?

    P.S. Please no more asking where I am and who I am and where I come from. Don't you think they are actually complicated philosophical problems?? If u wanna know me, first, please ask yourself these questions, and i am not expecting to hear your superficial answers. After all, you are not a boy any more. In my understanding, any boy who is above 18 years old is a grown-up. And so is my idea of you.

    That's all! Bon soir!!

